Sunday, November 14, 2010

Love: The deeper meaning

There are so many meanings and definitions for what love is. It's a chemical reaction that happens in the brain that affects your emotions and cause you to feel that reaction. Love is a feeling, everything else that comes along with it is human imperfections. Infatuation has the same chemicals in the brain that make up love, it's the beginning stages. It says infatuation can last from 3 months to 5 years and can feel just like the real reaction of love. Love is pure, compassionate, sweet, happiness, all the good feelings you can think of.

People say " oh he hit me because he loves me" or He disrespects me but I know he loves me". Where the hell did you hear that from? Anger or disrespect has nothing to do with any form of love. Jesus was all about love... the new testament is about his love for humanity. Did you ever hear him call a girl a bi*ch? or grab her up and make her cry? No! Jesus helped and taught everyone that came in contact with him to treat another the way you want to be treated. So why do people think it's okay to stay with an abuser? Abuse is physically, emotionally, and verbally.

Love literally is not suppose to hurt or cause pain. Love is not sex. Love is not excuses. Love is a feeling.
Why does relationships fail when two people are in love? Two reason: The two people are not compatiable, which leads to irreversible actions or human flaws were too irresistible to overcome. But nothing to do with what ya'll felt for each other. Feelings alone don't stop actions, it just gives you a conscious. If your don't have a conscious that make you feel remorseful and sorry for your actions, then you didn't feel love or care for that person. So if he cheated on you twice or wasn't trying everything in his power to right the wrong... sorry but what he feels is nothing or infatuation.

The deeper meaning of love is learning to connect with a person beyond the physical. To literally touch a person soul with just one touch. To be fully connected to each other spiritually and emotionally. To talk so passionately about their inner being more than you do yourself. To be able to feel them when they are not there. To be so intertwined in that other person that you will sacrifice everything, even you own life. To find someone you consider one with you and can't live without them. To have unlimited faith in the unknown with that person and every part of your body dripping in hope for the best outcome. No doubt just belief. I know everyone that is reading this have never felt meaningful love before after looking at this lol but you have...(if you are spiritual)... with GOD.

To truly love someone it has to be unconditional (like parents to their children). To find true love with a stranger means you've found your soulmate. Everyone has one but too many settle in fear of being lonely or experience it for a moment (like in titanic). When you find it you will know, because nothing will make you forget the feeling or memory. You can have many loves but only one true love. And that's the deeper meaning of love:)
Until next time:)

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