Monday, June 4, 2012

Bible 101: Is masturbation sinful?

The act of masturbation is not mention in the bible, therefore, it can't be label sinful or not, good or evil. The use of sex toys cannot even be discuss because none of it is mentioned in the bible. As we should know, the bible was written a long time ago, so alot of topics we face now is anyone's guess but if God can only label something sinful or not then I guess it's no ones guess. says:
"The Bible does not discuss masturbation at all.  This seems a little odd since it is such a strong and prevalent human event.  And, given that Leviticus has so much to say about sexuality, one would think it natural that the subject would be covered.  But it isn't.  Masturbation is not specifically declared to be sinful.  Nevertheless, we must be cautious to pronounce something to be sinful or not sinful when God has not discussed it.  Therefore, we have to derive principles from scripture on related sexual issues and see if we can wisely apply them to the subject of masturbation.

First of all, sex was created by God for procreative purposes, physical enjoyment, and the demonstration of intimacy between a husband and a wife.  In this context, the sexual act is intended to occur in a healthy marriage relationship between husband and wife in purity and holiness.  In contrast to this, masturbation is the self-stimulation to the point of sexual release without the gifting of a spouse.  It would seem that masturbation is a denial of the sexual design of God for couples.  But, is it sinful?  Again, answering this question is difficult because the Bible does not pronounce it as sin.  Nevertheless, there is the principle of purity that is obvious true.  Does masturbation fall under the category of purity?"

Again, speculation because it's a missing topic. If males and females was doing it in the old & new testament, they definitely did not talked about it at all. says:
"...Masturbation is a very common behavior, even among people who have sexual relations with a partner. In one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated. Masturbation is the first sexual act experienced by most males and females."

"...masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe. It is a good way to experience sexual pleasure and can be done throughout life"

"In general, the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behavior. Some cultures and religions oppose the use of masturbation or even label it as sinful. This can lead to guilt or shame about the behavior.

Some experts suggest that masturbation can actually improve sexual health and relationships. By exploring your own body through masturbation, you can determine what is erotically pleasing to you and can share this with your partner. Some partners use mutual masturbation to discover techniques for a more satisfying sexual relationship and to add to their mutual intimacy."

Not only is it normal and healthy to do but it improves sperm and a wide range of animals masturbate. says:
"...Surely what works for God will work for Nature, too: Since masturbation improves fertility, then it ought to be a prime target for natural selection. That is to say, any animal that evolves the ability or inclination for self-pleasure will end up with healthier sperm, and more offspring, than its competitors. Indeed, if you take the theory of evolution seriously—as the Catholic Church has since February—then you might expect that all animals masturbate, or at least all animals with a reproductive system sufficiently like our own..."

"...hairy palms abound in the animal kingdom. (Wikipedia offers a good summary of the evidence.) Dogs, cats, lions, bears, and a number of other mammals self-stimulate with their front paws; randy walruses use their flippers. Horses and donkeys, whose masturbatory habits have been particularly well-studied, engage in "rhythmic bouncing, pressing, or sliding of the erect penis against the abdomen" (PDF); male deer do the same. The 19th-century physiologist Karl Friedrich Burdach has even described something like female ejaculation among solitary mares, which "rub themselves against whatever obstacles they find, often spurting a white, viscous mucus." A bull, meanwhile, stimulates itself by alternately protruding its penis from a genital sheath, while some moose can ejaculate simply by rubbing their antlers on bits of vegetation. According to observations made at the University of Buffalo in the 1940s, both male and female porcupines manipulate their genitals with inanimate objects—

Needless to say, many animals engage in self-directed oral sex.
Our fellow apes are among the most ardent and industrious masturbators: Female orangutans have been observed to fashion primitive dildos from sticks or pieces of liana, while males stimulate themselves with pieces of fruit, leaves, or other objects. Although it's sometimes said that only mammals masturbate, we have clear examples of autoeroticism among birds, which rub their cloacae on whatever's handy. Turtles have also been observed in the act."

My conclusion: I agree with science, so get acquainted with yourself and have fun.

Until next time:)

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