The desire to experience myself in you spiritually. That's my definition and that is what perfect love is to me. I don't believe I can experience perfect love through my body or through my mind. I can only know the true perfection in loving another spiritually.
If I use my body to know perfect love with another... It will fail. Moments of passion is not true love. An attachment that our bodies create is not love... Also known as soul ties. Lust will not allow me to experience perfect love because its not found in sex. If you believe that the body holds the soul and that the soul is our true self. How can you expect to experience perfect love in something that is not real. For your body will fade but your soul will never cease to exist.
The mind cannot comprehend what perfect love is. Your mind makes true what ever you want to believe is true. Your thoughts become true no matter what. What you think comes into being. Your mind records and perceive everything you have ever experience in your life. Your mind constantly try's to recreate every experience over and over again unconsciously.
For examples, If you grew up without a parent or without one of your parents, you will likely always search for reassurance that you are a worthy, you will never trust anyone, anybody love will never be enough or never feel loved, You will vow never to leave someone or your child.
If you grew up witnessing abuse, you will likely become controlled/controlling or abused/abusive in some form... Verbally, mentally, or physically.
If you witnessed alcoholism or drug abuse, you are likely to drink or use drugs or attract a lot of drinkers or drug users.
If you experienced sexual abuse, your child or someone close will likely experience sexual abuse too. If you were sexually promisious, your child or someone close will likely be also.
If you grew up seeing dysfunction pretending to be love, you are likely to experience dysfunction as love.
Our generation calls dysfunction.... Love.
Yes. Patterns can be broken and you can create any reality you choose. But if you do not make the pattern conscious, you will keep recreating your experiences unconsciously. It's this fault in the operation of our minds that we cannot experience perfect love through our minds. Spiritual people know not to let their minds create for them but to create using their minds. You will never know perfect love, you will only know dysfunction disguised as love.
Your body and mind work together. What you experience in your body you will experience in your mind. This is called hormones and the chemicals that are released. These pleasure filled moments causes chemical reactions...making your mind feel good or on cloud nine. So being that you are high, you believe you must be in love but really you are just high. Its when you get use to those brain chemicals being produced with that person that you see that human for who they really are. But we still stay...why? Because our bodies already created an attachment and our mind keep replaying the good and bad experiences over & over. People say love is blind... It's not. We blind ourselves from the dysfunction that always been there & when the pain make those feel good chemicals go away. We continue to lie to ourselves because we want to believe the dysfunction is love. So the mind make you believe what you want to be true. While recreating the same reality over and over for you unconsciously with many or just one.
What is dysfunction? Anything that cause you pain or fear. It is true, love does not hurt or cause pain. Human bodies & minds is what cause hurt & pain. If dysfunction is what lives in the mind, it will be experience & express through the body.
As I said, perfect love can only be experience spiritually. It's because once you become spiritually conscious... Only then can your see, feel, & recognize perfect love. Only the perfect love in me can see the perfect love in you... Which is perfect love. This is also known as soulmates. My soul is the perfect love of God, everybody soul is... All living beings are. When I become spiritually conscious, I become perfect love.
This is why most spiritual teachers stayed alone like... Jesus, buddha, & all monks. Because sometimes the perfect love you experience with yourself is enough.
Perfect love is possible but only few will experience it because to become spiritually conscious is a lot of work. Both people have to be conscious and that's hard to find. So most will have dysfunctional love and wonder why they are not happy or satisfied or why it hurts so bad. I'm not talking about going to church together or reading the bible together or even praying together. That all mental... You have to go beyond and within.
Perfect love is everything a wonderful relationship should be. Loving, kind, understanding, patient, tender, gentle, supportive, respectful, sweet, honest, accepting.... Basically anything that brings happiness. For whatever I do to you I do to myself. I am you and you are me, we are one. Perfect love.
What is perfect love? My desire to experience my true self in you.
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