Women (including me) usually are taught that being submissive to a man is a "no no". That a man should never be superior to a woman ever. When most women hear the word "submissive", they think of the 50's or 60's, because most women cleaned and cooked and were treated less than by their husbands. Including the fact, They were never appreciated and did what their husbands told them to. I've heard older men say "they don't make them how they use to, women were obedient and submissive back in my day."
Obedient?.... That makes me want to roll my eyes. So I can see why being submissive to a man can be unappealing to our generation. That's if you associate it with sixties years ago to caveman time. Who would want to be that "woman" in our modern day society? I mean, isn't that the reason why in the 70's & 80's women wanted to be equal to men, and wanted to be treat as such. Not to mention the "sex, weed, peace, love" hippie movement.
I can admit, being treated like a man can get you uppercuted. Besides we had to evolve from the old maid to the modern day women at some point. Few may only cook and clean now but gaining intelligence was definitely a plus. But back to this tarnished word "submission", will women never know this again? & I'm not talking about the total men domination version or the Webster definition. So what am I talking about?
Well, submission to me and a lot of women in great relationships is... Letting a man be dominanting, not controlling. Trusting him to take the lead, not telling you what to do. Recognizing his presence, not gaveling at his feet. Having the passionate desire to please him, not slaving to his every need. Praising the power of his macuslinity, not worshipping his pockets. Obeying his direction and dreams, not being discipled to listen. Honoring his efforts and good intentions, not being miserable by his behavior. Loving the way he adores you, not putting up with his mistreatment.
A woman cannot be commanded to submit, she has to choose and long to be dominanted by that man. The love, passion, and admiration of a man that treat her like a queen will cause her to want to please him in anyway possible. To completely want to submit to him & their love. To me, a man that can control his woman is only done through fear but a man that can dominate his woman is only done through love. Secretly or not... Every woman wants to be dominated but no woman wants to be controlled.
Unfortunately, Truth be told... Every male do not know how to dominant while every female do not know how to be submissive. But the ones that do, are in a blissful state in their relationship.
Lol I'm single though, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
Until next time:)
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