Every human being on this planet is in search for some form of love. We crave the feeling of that emotion like an addiction. We look in the good places for it and sometimes in the bad. We almost always misinterpet it or mistake it for other emotions and coping agents. Such as... Lust, infatuation, approval, attention, addiction, ect.
What is love? Love is the greatest emotion you'll ever feel. Love causes a feeling that is sheer bliss, extreme happiness, overwelming joy, unbelievable pleasure, fulfillment..... Sometimes it feels so incredible it's indescribable. Love puts one at a state of peace, at a frequency that is at equilibrium with ones inner self. But the highest form of love is sacrificial love in which Jesus gave his life for our sins.
I've learned our bodies seriously break down due to unhappiness, stress, and worry. Why? Because that is not our natural state to be in. We are a creation from love.... we are happiest and healthy when we are on that frequency. Only we can decide when we want to let go and be peaceful and happy. Doing happy activities that are pure of love get us to that level of happiness. Learning to free your mind of stress and burden take us to that level of peace. It's not easy and it's a personal journey but well worth it. You can live in freedom.You have to complete YOU before you can help others and add other elements of love into your life.
Why do we crave love? Well, unfortunately we haven't realize that the love we need resides in us. How so? If God gave us his only begotten son because he loves us so much... shouldn't we be in love with ourself just as much as God is in love with us? It's God Love and Self Love combine we need. But it's one of thoses loves that we are missing in our lives. For one to feel complete one must have both, not one but both. When you only have one you begin to search for your other half because you are still incomplete. Other half meaning soulmate, mate, lover, drug, addiction, people, family, lust... it goes on. Ok let me explain: You can worship God and be obedient to the word, proving your love and you love God with all your heart. Or you can love yourself alot and bearly believe in God. Or you can say I'm in love with myself and God but still feel miseriable sometimes. It's because you're still missing the key point... being in love with God is being in love with yourself. God is apart of you deep in your soul/spiritual being as God is in everything. God is not limited to a name that's why no one knows his true name, just like God is not limited to he or she...God is a being beyond our comprehension. God is a spiritual being with no boundaries to our earthly existence.
To be in love with yourself, is to be in love with God, is to be in love with every being created by God. To not be in love with nature or people is not being in love with yourself or God. People get so busy from life that they don't live life. We get so caught up in wanting love or approval when breathing is your approval from God. We forget the wonders of nature for a structure environment. To me, Jesus didn't come here to live a sinfree life or for us to say if he lived sinless to the gospels we can do it too. I think, Jesus living on earth was to teach us how to connect back to the sacrificial love of God. Which was finding ourself spiritually first, I'm not talking about church and reading scriptures, I'm talking about prayer and meditation (raising your consciousness), only then can we fall in love with God and then ourselves. Then we can fall back in love with nature, people, basically all of God's creation because then we go back to wanting to help others... by being selfless. Jesus death to me was God way of saying go through this journey to reconnect with me, I know you are not like me because I've given you only freewill therefore I won't punish you for not following my 613 commandments to the tee.
Our mission here on earth is to live life searching, enjoying, laughing, appreciating... To find that peace within... To fall back in love with God's love and ourselves and creation. To love each other as we want to be love, to find compassion that once burned in our heart for all life including us. To not judge or look down on any being that is living. To free our minds from man-made stress and burden, to open a new realm of consciousness that is more closely connected to God. To experience joy and bliss here right now, not when we enter the gates of Heaven. By walking with God literally in your spiritual being that no words in the holy scriptures can train you to do, only you must do so in your mind, heart, and spirit. Next time instead of giving money to your church (which people say you giving to God) give it to that homeless man/woman you pass everyday that you condemn. That will put you more in alignment with God than all the money you've gave to a church. Oh and if you don't go to church instead of that big mac, pass thoses dollars to a person in need... that love of compassion will grow inside. Learn to just Look at children (innocence), nature (beauty), the sky, flowers, snow, wind, breath... be grateful....be positive.... LOVE.
Until next time:)
P.S only when you are close in this pure state will you get your equal great mate. You attract in your life that level of love (good) or hate (bad) you are experiencing (mentally or physically) at that moment. That's why your instincts tell you no (to run) to avoid unnessarry pain (Futher lowering of your frequency). Guys (not only subjected to) forget instincts for lust and then when they experience pain/flash backs from memory (lowering of frequency) they ease that feeling out with more lust or activity (not solving the problem).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What's the meaning to life?
So many people get caught up in what is not apart of life. Like materialism, lust, judgemental unrealistic views, religion, food, school, work, money. Which causes unwanted stress, worry, dreadfulness, tireness, loss of energy, a boring circle of routine, temporary happiness, an false existance. We get so loss in the false likeliness of the media which tells us what brings happiness but we forget to them it's just business. We are an society that wants to fit in so bad that we let commericals tell us what's beautiful. Why do we think being a mindless, made up, fancy looking zombie is true living? Why do we want to be in a mountain of debt, disfigurement, unhappiness, unhealthy, unachieveable expectations, confused, zombie like state of mind?
The meaning to life is to be happy for what you have. In happiness you find peace and living in a peaceful state of mind is life. Your situation or circumstance should not be stressing you out to the point the its killing your only physical body on this earth. It's scientifically proven that stress leads to strokes and heart attacks. As a human being I think we we're born to be in a peaceful existance and the modernization of this world has made this almost unlikely. Because our bodies crave peace, we create false peace which equals happiness by buying unnecessary meaningless lumps of merchandise. The happiness disappears when you realize you are struck in a never ending reality of constantly buying, maintaining, or paying off debt... your mind stays in a stressful state until you die.
You only start living the life you we're made to live, when you accept things how they are. Become grateful for what you have. Appreciate that your life is always much better than someone else. Understand you have a mission in life that's much greater than you. Know happiness is a choice within and nothing else can fullfill that. Start loving the simple things again. Start following the one true God and stop trying to follow a religion. Connect with your inner self through prayer or meditation. Stop trying to fight whats meant to happen, only then can you stop worrying and stressing. Start eating healthy, stop the process food... it's cheap because it causes health probelms later. Love yourself more than anything, build your self esteem. Then start loving everyone by treating them with love and kindness. Be positive... then spread positivity around to everybody. Stop spreading your money on junk that won't mean nothing in six months or causes a stressful cycle. Don't spend beyond your means. Create you own peaceful scenery... if it's reading, writing, traveling, sitting in quietness, laughing, yoga, praying, meditating, spending time with family, art, listening to music, anything that makes you happy and your heart skips from joy because you really can't live without it. Life is to be as peaceful and joyous as possible. Create your peaceful mind set everyday for an hour a day and see the true meaning of living be clarified in front of your eyes.
Until next time:)
The meaning to life is to be happy for what you have. In happiness you find peace and living in a peaceful state of mind is life. Your situation or circumstance should not be stressing you out to the point the its killing your only physical body on this earth. It's scientifically proven that stress leads to strokes and heart attacks. As a human being I think we we're born to be in a peaceful existance and the modernization of this world has made this almost unlikely. Because our bodies crave peace, we create false peace which equals happiness by buying unnecessary meaningless lumps of merchandise. The happiness disappears when you realize you are struck in a never ending reality of constantly buying, maintaining, or paying off debt... your mind stays in a stressful state until you die.
You only start living the life you we're made to live, when you accept things how they are. Become grateful for what you have. Appreciate that your life is always much better than someone else. Understand you have a mission in life that's much greater than you. Know happiness is a choice within and nothing else can fullfill that. Start loving the simple things again. Start following the one true God and stop trying to follow a religion. Connect with your inner self through prayer or meditation. Stop trying to fight whats meant to happen, only then can you stop worrying and stressing. Start eating healthy, stop the process food... it's cheap because it causes health probelms later. Love yourself more than anything, build your self esteem. Then start loving everyone by treating them with love and kindness. Be positive... then spread positivity around to everybody. Stop spreading your money on junk that won't mean nothing in six months or causes a stressful cycle. Don't spend beyond your means. Create you own peaceful scenery... if it's reading, writing, traveling, sitting in quietness, laughing, yoga, praying, meditating, spending time with family, art, listening to music, anything that makes you happy and your heart skips from joy because you really can't live without it. Life is to be as peaceful and joyous as possible. Create your peaceful mind set everyday for an hour a day and see the true meaning of living be clarified in front of your eyes.
Until next time:)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Letting go when you have children involved
Staying with someone because you have a child/children is not love. It's called settling for what you don't want because you have a child. It only causes misery in your relationship and bitterness between each other. Resentment starts to build causing anger and hate to build over time. You will eventually be fighting more than you communcate with each other.
Having more hate in the household than love doesn't help anyone... especially you child/children. If you are not happy, your child/children will not grow up happy. Working it out is fine until you are working it out every other week. Or you are working it out only for your child/ children sake. If your child/children is your only motivation for staying together, it's time to call it quits. No one wants to be in an unhappy household... unhappiness only leads to ugly consequences.
How do you let go? Well if you are in love or not in love as much as the other. Then it will be hard letting go. Please do not confuse you love for that person with the love for your child/children. You do not have to be with that person to take and be present in your child/children life. Your child/children will be apart of both of ya'll forever... don't blame your kid/kids. You can not go cold turkey, you will always have to see that other person regardless of what you feel. That's why your love for your child/children has to be greater. Cutting ties does not mean that your child/children stop growing. Don't put your child/children through pain because you are hurt or don't want to let go. Being a parent means being selfless.
Now if the "in love" part is gone and your love is base on having a child/children together then say goodbye. A relationship doesn't work if theres no mutual love shared. Don't put your child/children through pain because ya'll are forcing each other to be together. It's not going to work no matter what you do. Direct all that energy into loving and only taking care of your child/children. You can hate each other guts but don't show or bring that around your kid/kids. Your child/children watch everything you do as parents, be positive role models. Stop exposing your child/children to misery, unhappiness, and talking bad about each other in front of them. Take care of your responsiblilty with love, respect, and presence... while letting God handle the rest.
Until next time:)
Having more hate in the household than love doesn't help anyone... especially you child/children. If you are not happy, your child/children will not grow up happy. Working it out is fine until you are working it out every other week. Or you are working it out only for your child/ children sake. If your child/children is your only motivation for staying together, it's time to call it quits. No one wants to be in an unhappy household... unhappiness only leads to ugly consequences.
How do you let go? Well if you are in love or not in love as much as the other. Then it will be hard letting go. Please do not confuse you love for that person with the love for your child/children. You do not have to be with that person to take and be present in your child/children life. Your child/children will be apart of both of ya'll forever... don't blame your kid/kids. You can not go cold turkey, you will always have to see that other person regardless of what you feel. That's why your love for your child/children has to be greater. Cutting ties does not mean that your child/children stop growing. Don't put your child/children through pain because you are hurt or don't want to let go. Being a parent means being selfless.
Now if the "in love" part is gone and your love is base on having a child/children together then say goodbye. A relationship doesn't work if theres no mutual love shared. Don't put your child/children through pain because ya'll are forcing each other to be together. It's not going to work no matter what you do. Direct all that energy into loving and only taking care of your child/children. You can hate each other guts but don't show or bring that around your kid/kids. Your child/children watch everything you do as parents, be positive role models. Stop exposing your child/children to misery, unhappiness, and talking bad about each other in front of them. Take care of your responsiblilty with love, respect, and presence... while letting God handle the rest.
Until next time:)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Learn to love yourself
Loving youself is one of the most important things you can do. It's so important in every aspect of your life. If you don't love you, nothing in your life will be right. Knowing your self worth makes any relationship in your life worth while. For example: No man will ever love you the way you want to be love, if he can't see the way you love yourself. When you don't love yourself,you can not respect yourself. Meaning he won't respect you ever. You will put up with more things than you can take, and everything will go wrong.
One of the main problems in relationships is a person will start loving the other more than they love themselves. You will put up with his/her constant disrespect because you don't respect yourself enough not to. You will stay unhappy with someone because you don't make yourself happy. You will change for all the wrong reasons because you can't change for yourself. People that don't love themselves can't become better individuals. They get stuck in a place that is unhealthy for themselves and others. They don't grow and/or make others grow, they bring others down while bringing themselves down also.
When you love yourself... become truly in love with yourself. No one will be able to make you lower yourself. You'll become happy with or without someone. Your joy will come from your inner self, and not from another person. You'll become connected with who you are inside. You'll know what you do and do not want from others. You'll gain such a high respect for yourself that others will see it a mile away. You'll become beautiful inside and out to yourself and others. Nothing will change your emotions for long because your happiness will depends on yourself. Nothing will be able to stop you from where you're going because you won't allow anyone to.
When you love every inch of your being... then you can fully give someone your all. You will pick nothing but others that love themselves because that's what you will attract. When you are whole you attract other whole beings making it possible to be whole together. You will never second guess your decisions because you will have absolute trust in yourself. Only through self love can you find true love and joy. If you can't love yourself then no one will. Only you can create your self worth, don't let someone else do that because they will never get it right. Take back that power and learn to get to the best form of you through your love for yourself.
Until next time:)
One of the main problems in relationships is a person will start loving the other more than they love themselves. You will put up with his/her constant disrespect because you don't respect yourself enough not to. You will stay unhappy with someone because you don't make yourself happy. You will change for all the wrong reasons because you can't change for yourself. People that don't love themselves can't become better individuals. They get stuck in a place that is unhealthy for themselves and others. They don't grow and/or make others grow, they bring others down while bringing themselves down also.
When you love yourself... become truly in love with yourself. No one will be able to make you lower yourself. You'll become happy with or without someone. Your joy will come from your inner self, and not from another person. You'll become connected with who you are inside. You'll know what you do and do not want from others. You'll gain such a high respect for yourself that others will see it a mile away. You'll become beautiful inside and out to yourself and others. Nothing will change your emotions for long because your happiness will depends on yourself. Nothing will be able to stop you from where you're going because you won't allow anyone to.
When you love every inch of your being... then you can fully give someone your all. You will pick nothing but others that love themselves because that's what you will attract. When you are whole you attract other whole beings making it possible to be whole together. You will never second guess your decisions because you will have absolute trust in yourself. Only through self love can you find true love and joy. If you can't love yourself then no one will. Only you can create your self worth, don't let someone else do that because they will never get it right. Take back that power and learn to get to the best form of you through your love for yourself.
Until next time:)
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