Dear God,
I want to first thank you for being so gracious and merciful to me. You were introduced to me through my mom... quiet but sometimes loud outbursts from praising you and giving you all the glory. As I spent nine months in her womb. My mom wanted a daughter and you gave me to her, out of your peaceful, serenity home called heaven. I was born to two loving, God respecting parents, who loved you with all their hearts and souls. I never had a care in the world. At times, it was difficult but I never saw my mom give up hope or saw her faith in you change. You got us through years of struggle and places, while keeping joy in our hearts. When my father died when I was eight, you lend my mom your strength to comfort my broken little heart. The first time I said "dad", was when I told him goodbye as he laid sleep in his coffin. You spoke through my mother to tell me he was at peace and in another place. She held me in her arms with your spirit moving through her to keep her strong for me.
I started rebelling in a new life in North Carolina, because I couldn't fully know my father. But you gave my mom the patience to handle me, while she had five other kids and a baby on the way. I saw your miracles on a regular basis, because clothes and shoes was always provided. It wasn't the best but it was enough. When there were empty dinner plates, you always provided food in some shape or form. My mom would just cry and praise you because she was thankful her babies didn't have to starve. My mom was married to an abusive alcoholic but you kept her safe, always loving, and her faith in you stronger than ever. I became a tom boy to toughen up, but you kept me close with obedience. You installed in my mom that there was no way without you, in return she gave us through knowledge to keep us connected to you.
Even seeing my mom lose her love ones and friends to death, I never saw her want to give up. You even seperated her from my stepfather, which wasn't a good environment for us. You gave me a blessing from my father that provided for me. No longer in NYC, was me and my little brother a target of elementary teasing. In a year time, I was the subject of being picked on to one of the fliest chicks in the school. My mom told me to thank you everyday but she didn't have to because I knew you was worth all the praise in the world.
When I was slipping in school because I was going through my teenage stage. You kept my mom calm and told her to let me deal with my different emotions. My mom just stood by me and supported me. While giving me suggestions which in return allowed me to graduate at 16. You kept me grounded and you kept my mom here by my side, which I will always be thankful for. You helped me stay focus when I was caught up in other things and you help me be the first one in my family to graduate from college with a degree in math and science. Not for one minute I didn't believe in your power and love for me. Now getting another degree, I can only thank you more times than I care to count. I know you are real because everything in my life has been given to me to help me. You always kept me and my family safe. When I was down about picking the wrong guy to date, you put in my heart that someone great will come.
I can not ever repay you God but I hope to continue to get closer to you through prayer and strengthen my spiritual connection to you. I appreciate everything that has came and went in my life because it caused my growth and maturity. Believing in you has been the light in my life. I hope to continue building my knowledge on and about your word to understand you better. As long as I'm connected to your glory, I will be strong and blessed. Thank you.
Until my next prayer/meditation:)
Giving you all my praise forever
Stephanie Marie:)

Thursday, December 16, 2010
My Spoken Words: Be You before love
When true love is coming? I know you wondering. How can you love without pain? How can you commit without lust? How can you trust without honesty? I know you wanna be complete with a person but repetition of the lies and betrayal keep circling. You wanna give your all but half of you didn't finish living so you don't know what you giving. You say you wanna settle down but retract because you wanna party. Problems form in any life you decide to live, so you keep looking for an escape. You say "I done with it all" but when you get bored you turn back to your old ways. You tried changing but always use your age and lifestyle as an excuse, I can't say I blame you. We're all human so we make mistakes but correcting them is the key. So making up your mind on your choices of living is important before you give your all to love.
If you want true love and it comes, you gotta be ready for it. If you wanna play around then do that, don't drag hearts through the mud because every week you have a new epiphany. It's so much one person can take so be wise because once they're gone, they're gone for good. When you're ready get over the temptations and become a better you. Then maybe find another that can bond with you on every humanly level. To grow and develop, in sickness and in health. Don't settle, find the one you desire. Get to the point you can't stress anymore because you are too bless with the love of your life by your side.
Until next time:)- P.S I know it's weak lol but I'm better at poetry.
If you want true love and it comes, you gotta be ready for it. If you wanna play around then do that, don't drag hearts through the mud because every week you have a new epiphany. It's so much one person can take so be wise because once they're gone, they're gone for good. When you're ready get over the temptations and become a better you. Then maybe find another that can bond with you on every humanly level. To grow and develop, in sickness and in health. Don't settle, find the one you desire. Get to the point you can't stress anymore because you are too bless with the love of your life by your side.
Until next time:)- P.S I know it's weak lol but I'm better at poetry.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sammie's Love Angel Song: My Epiphany
Listening to this song by Sammie, I begin to drown in my own comphension of who I am. I battle with myself between love and no love. Love because I sprinkle love in every aspect of my life. No love because I've never been in love before. But why... I'm intelligent, sweet, pretty, articulate, supportive, God loving, spiritual, family oriented, independent, understanding, trustworthy, mysterious, can hold a conversation, always compromising, and purely good in my heart. It's not because who I am as a woman. It's because I've shut myself down, when it comes to love. At 22, I've only had one boyfriend, which I knew was going to be a mistake. And no guy that I've known has been what I'm looking for.
In the song the chorus says "given up on love, until I found my baby". That stands out because I have given up on love. I know it exist, I feel God's love for me deep in my soul. I have an wonderful amazing mother and my father wasn't around long enough but I knew he loved me. My brothers and sister... It's nothing like their love for me. What I given up on is being in love with someone that is truly compatible with me. I'm a different breed of a woman, I'm a challenge, I have knowledge that is unmatchable for my age, I'm unreadable, I'm out of the ordinary, It's hard to catch me much less get me. Why am I like this? I guess it's a magentic field that formed around me to eliminate the weak.
Love Angel to me is your better half... your true love. To find the other half of you, the missing piece you feel in your heart for a physical mate. Your own personal drug that is made for you. Another which you can't truly live until they walk into your existence. That makes you feel like you're living in a dream, hoping you never wake to reality. That one you only hear about in fairytales, that comes and transform you. That one that can put you into a trance by just looking at them. That makes you feel like you are flying in another dimensional realm because they've set you free. The one you would give up your physical body for. Your dream/true life partner.
Is it impossible? Yes, I believe in miracles. But it happens so very often. Love at first sight and matches that seem heaven made doesn't make a person made for you. So I guess taking chances can put you right in the position to met someone who can take all logic away. Someone that's waiting in the shadows waiting to get recognition. Well, I'm coming dream guy and I'll also be waiting. I'll wait and chase until I see you in my view. With one look I should know there's a possibilty and you will just have to break my hard exterior. When you do you will be my Earthly King and I will make you happy as you did for me by appearing in this life experience by my side. I'm coming love angel.
Thanks Sammie for making a song that makes me want to disappear into Or just live in your voice box lol. I became a follower for a reason and now I know why. It's wasn't only to be put on to hear great music but to know that my waiting has not been in vain and what I'm looking for in true love is right around the corner. Your song makes me ache in anticipation for my future mate (who ever he is). Thank You:)
Until next time- P.S Michael and R Kelly albums are masterpieces- no need for a review.
In the song the chorus says "given up on love, until I found my baby". That stands out because I have given up on love. I know it exist, I feel God's love for me deep in my soul. I have an wonderful amazing mother and my father wasn't around long enough but I knew he loved me. My brothers and sister... It's nothing like their love for me. What I given up on is being in love with someone that is truly compatible with me. I'm a different breed of a woman, I'm a challenge, I have knowledge that is unmatchable for my age, I'm unreadable, I'm out of the ordinary, It's hard to catch me much less get me. Why am I like this? I guess it's a magentic field that formed around me to eliminate the weak.
Love Angel to me is your better half... your true love. To find the other half of you, the missing piece you feel in your heart for a physical mate. Your own personal drug that is made for you. Another which you can't truly live until they walk into your existence. That makes you feel like you're living in a dream, hoping you never wake to reality. That one you only hear about in fairytales, that comes and transform you. That one that can put you into a trance by just looking at them. That makes you feel like you are flying in another dimensional realm because they've set you free. The one you would give up your physical body for. Your dream/true life partner.
Is it impossible? Yes, I believe in miracles. But it happens so very often. Love at first sight and matches that seem heaven made doesn't make a person made for you. So I guess taking chances can put you right in the position to met someone who can take all logic away. Someone that's waiting in the shadows waiting to get recognition. Well, I'm coming dream guy and I'll also be waiting. I'll wait and chase until I see you in my view. With one look I should know there's a possibilty and you will just have to break my hard exterior. When you do you will be my Earthly King and I will make you happy as you did for me by appearing in this life experience by my side. I'm coming love angel.
Thanks Sammie for making a song that makes me want to disappear into Or just live in your voice box lol. I became a follower for a reason and now I know why. It's wasn't only to be put on to hear great music but to know that my waiting has not been in vain and what I'm looking for in true love is right around the corner. Your song makes me ache in anticipation for my future mate (who ever he is). Thank You:)
Until next time- P.S Michael and R Kelly albums are masterpieces- no need for a review.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sammie's "It's just a mixtape 2": My Review
I'm not giving my opinion to get a reply via twitter or to sugar coat anything to get a re tweet. This is my review as I hear it on Itunes as I write this post. Overall, It's a great Mixtape and I have a lot of respect for it. I give credit to Sammie for writing and vocally arranging great songs. I can hear the hard work and dedication in these records. The growth/maturity is there and the time/energy for perfection is also. I'm looking at this objectively and these are just my comments. Pretaining to a downloadable mixtape featuring a mans voice and lyrical abilities.
Sammie Baby, is one of the best songs on the mixtape. It's different, making you want to dougie and the lyrics are on point. The vocals are very good and the producer did a great job. I love this song.
Your Dude, I think many fellas can relate to this song. It has a sexy melody and again the vocals are on point. I think Jasper feature on the record was decent.
You, I couldn't really get into it. It was okay but could've been better. The vocals are good but the rap verse was weak.
It's Over, is a very Hot song. It has depth and passion as if it's from a personal experience. The beat I rock with, It's lyrically on point. Anybody can personally relate to this song, it's popping. Vocally, I can hear growth from the last mixtape, I love this song.
Emergency 911, Another song that's hot. It very relatable and has a personal feel to it. The lyrics are very appealing and well written. Vocally it's on point, I like this song.
I Won't Tell Nobody, is arranged beautifully. The vocals are bananas on this song and it makes you think. It really is a tear jerker. The melody is beautiful and calming. It's out of the box from the last mixtape and I like the different feel. I love this song.
We Can Work it Out, is a nice duet. My problem with this song is I can tell the difference between the maturity of the vocals. Keyiara did a good job but I can hear the difference, even though the mixing helped a lot. Overall, it's very decent.
Dear Industry, Is awesome. I love... love the spoken words, it's very deep and passionate. I don't like the music in the background. I think it would have more of an impact if no music was playing. The music take away from the spoken word by having a melody and singing around it. I love it still, just want to mute the background. Excellent job though.
R&B Love, lyrically written well. It definitely has the Round 2 feel to it and it's a nice slow jam. It's nice.
B Word 2, is sweet. But i don't like the lyrics much or vocals. I would rather prefer B Word, it's more passionate. I do like the chorus and the bridge but that's it. It's an okay song.
When A Woman Fed Up, I don't like this song. It's way too slow and I get the Trey Songz "Yo side of the bed" feel. It's not unique to me and the lyrics are mediocre.
Spontaneous Love, is unique and sexy. The melody has that "I want you now" feel to it. The vocals are slow and sensual, drawing me in. The lyrics are very good... I think this could be better then "wetter". I love this song.
Triangle, I can see why some say it's a tear jerker. It's nice and slow and deep. The vocals and lyrics are very good. I like this song.
Love Angel, is unbelievably amazing. Hands down the best song on IJAM2 to me, it's so sweet I could cry listening to this. The lyrics are beyond beautifully written, The vocals make me want to feel what you feel. I would pick this song over "You Are" and "40 days and 40 nights". I will have this on repeat for sure... like now lol. I absolutely love love love this song. GREAT JOB, it's wonderful. "I want to be her", Love it.
Black Rain, is so sweet and soft. I love the guitar and the melody. The vocals are amazing and it's written greatly. The key elements of love are in this song. It's a great song. I love this song
Coming Home This Christmas, Is a very good christmas song. I like that it goes well with the holidays. I like the vocals and lyrics, very well done. I love this song.
Dear Hater, Is great... I love the spoken words. But the beat in the background is killing me. I dislike how it taking away from focusing only on the words. I like the end when the beat stops because I can hear and focus on the wisdom of the analogy.
I love "Love Angel" I know I said that but it's worth the mixtape. I like the whole mixtape but hearing "Love Angel", you will be happy you've gotten IJAM2. "Sammie Baby" is another reason if you needed two reasons to get it. But all the songs have a right of it's own and it won't disappoint your R&B spirit. Go get it... Love angel, It's just a mixtape 2, Sammie baby.
Until next time:)
Sammie Baby, is one of the best songs on the mixtape. It's different, making you want to dougie and the lyrics are on point. The vocals are very good and the producer did a great job. I love this song.
Your Dude, I think many fellas can relate to this song. It has a sexy melody and again the vocals are on point. I think Jasper feature on the record was decent.
You, I couldn't really get into it. It was okay but could've been better. The vocals are good but the rap verse was weak.
It's Over, is a very Hot song. It has depth and passion as if it's from a personal experience. The beat I rock with, It's lyrically on point. Anybody can personally relate to this song, it's popping. Vocally, I can hear growth from the last mixtape, I love this song.
Emergency 911, Another song that's hot. It very relatable and has a personal feel to it. The lyrics are very appealing and well written. Vocally it's on point, I like this song.
I Won't Tell Nobody, is arranged beautifully. The vocals are bananas on this song and it makes you think. It really is a tear jerker. The melody is beautiful and calming. It's out of the box from the last mixtape and I like the different feel. I love this song.
We Can Work it Out, is a nice duet. My problem with this song is I can tell the difference between the maturity of the vocals. Keyiara did a good job but I can hear the difference, even though the mixing helped a lot. Overall, it's very decent.
Dear Industry, Is awesome. I love... love the spoken words, it's very deep and passionate. I don't like the music in the background. I think it would have more of an impact if no music was playing. The music take away from the spoken word by having a melody and singing around it. I love it still, just want to mute the background. Excellent job though.
R&B Love, lyrically written well. It definitely has the Round 2 feel to it and it's a nice slow jam. It's nice.
B Word 2, is sweet. But i don't like the lyrics much or vocals. I would rather prefer B Word, it's more passionate. I do like the chorus and the bridge but that's it. It's an okay song.
When A Woman Fed Up, I don't like this song. It's way too slow and I get the Trey Songz "Yo side of the bed" feel. It's not unique to me and the lyrics are mediocre.
Spontaneous Love, is unique and sexy. The melody has that "I want you now" feel to it. The vocals are slow and sensual, drawing me in. The lyrics are very good... I think this could be better then "wetter". I love this song.
Triangle, I can see why some say it's a tear jerker. It's nice and slow and deep. The vocals and lyrics are very good. I like this song.
Love Angel, is unbelievably amazing. Hands down the best song on IJAM2 to me, it's so sweet I could cry listening to this. The lyrics are beyond beautifully written, The vocals make me want to feel what you feel. I would pick this song over "You Are" and "40 days and 40 nights". I will have this on repeat for sure... like now lol. I absolutely love love love this song. GREAT JOB, it's wonderful. "I want to be her", Love it.
Black Rain, is so sweet and soft. I love the guitar and the melody. The vocals are amazing and it's written greatly. The key elements of love are in this song. It's a great song. I love this song
Coming Home This Christmas, Is a very good christmas song. I like that it goes well with the holidays. I like the vocals and lyrics, very well done. I love this song.
Dear Hater, Is great... I love the spoken words. But the beat in the background is killing me. I dislike how it taking away from focusing only on the words. I like the end when the beat stops because I can hear and focus on the wisdom of the analogy.
I love "Love Angel" I know I said that but it's worth the mixtape. I like the whole mixtape but hearing "Love Angel", you will be happy you've gotten IJAM2. "Sammie Baby" is another reason if you needed two reasons to get it. But all the songs have a right of it's own and it won't disappoint your R&B spirit. Go get it... Love angel, It's just a mixtape 2, Sammie baby.
Until next time:)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Law of Attraction 101
Our brain radiates energy, our energy becomes vibrations, our vibrations causes a frequency, our frequency is received by the universe. Meaning our thoughts is received by the universe which then gives us what we want or don't want. Hence, the law of attraction, everything that is in our life or has ever been in our life is from our thoughts (good or bad).
If you focus on something long enough it will manifest in your life, negative or positive. If you ever wonder why more bad than good, it's because you haven't focus long enough and you are not in alignment with your life source. Your life source is you spiritual connection with God. When you are in alignment you feel joy and everything thats in your life you will start to appreciate. Your emotions literally become you indicators to if you are in connection or not. Anytime you feel bad or think badly it tells you, you are out of alignment and what you want will not be attracted to you, only what you don't want. When you feel good/joy then you are in connection to your spiritual being, which allow your desires to be manifested.
Everything is connected to your emotions, only joy or feeling good can make you appreciative of what you have already. In return more is given because you are happy and your mind is not hindering yourself from your desires. Music, meditation, prayer, anything that makes you feel happiness is the state to be in all the time. Feeling good keep us in alignment with our spiritual being (soul, true being). Making things that will give us more happiness to come into our life.
Think positive, be positive, become positive. Now I know sometimes that can be diffcult but you have to learn to get out these states (anger, depression, sadness). It okay to feel these emotions but not for too long, don't dwell on what you can not change. You will know when you are in the right alignment because you will feel complete relaxation and peace. This is a overview.
Until next time:)
If you focus on something long enough it will manifest in your life, negative or positive. If you ever wonder why more bad than good, it's because you haven't focus long enough and you are not in alignment with your life source. Your life source is you spiritual connection with God. When you are in alignment you feel joy and everything thats in your life you will start to appreciate. Your emotions literally become you indicators to if you are in connection or not. Anytime you feel bad or think badly it tells you, you are out of alignment and what you want will not be attracted to you, only what you don't want. When you feel good/joy then you are in connection to your spiritual being, which allow your desires to be manifested.
Everything is connected to your emotions, only joy or feeling good can make you appreciative of what you have already. In return more is given because you are happy and your mind is not hindering yourself from your desires. Music, meditation, prayer, anything that makes you feel happiness is the state to be in all the time. Feeling good keep us in alignment with our spiritual being (soul, true being). Making things that will give us more happiness to come into our life.
Think positive, be positive, become positive. Now I know sometimes that can be diffcult but you have to learn to get out these states (anger, depression, sadness). It okay to feel these emotions but not for too long, don't dwell on what you can not change. You will know when you are in the right alignment because you will feel complete relaxation and peace. This is a overview.
Until next time:)
Monday, December 6, 2010
How to change the one you love
The answer is you can't, sorry if the title is misleading. But seriously you can't at all, never will, it won't happen. You can influence a person to change but it's their choice to do so. No one will ever change unless he or she wants to. If the one you love won't do things differently, it's because they don't want to. You will not change their mind and no amount of love will make it happen quicker. It happens on their time and nobody elses.
I see some people actually check everything and anything their mate is doing. Following them, checking their messages, phone records. One person I know actually put his fingers into his girl vagina to check for semen. Now if you have to go to that extent, it's time for you to wrap up that relationship. Doing anything stalker "ish" in a relationship is doomed. If ya'll wasn't together it would be a crime so it shows you are losing it. And if you are losing yourself in a relationship that means it's a bad situation. Get out now.
Trust is the most important aspect in any relationship, so if that's out the window, theres no saving what you have. Yes, trust can be earned back but it's a damn brutal process and means alot of work. Stalker "ish" people, I know you've been pushed to your limit by your mate, but you need to let go. Time is not worth trying to change someone, it's about living. What needs to be realized is they have to change for themselves and not for you. We need to stop thinking we can save someone from their own flaws. We can't, we don't have that type of power, only God can save people. Our love only can guide people to different decisions but not change an outcome.
So if you are not willing to accept a person malfunctions. Then you have to move on and fix yourself to see why you allow yourself to be treated badly. Or why you became stalker "ish" to a person that made it clear as day that they couldn't change. Stop playing superhero and self approve your inner self and then find someone that won't need changing and that will make you a better individual.
Until next time:)
I see some people actually check everything and anything their mate is doing. Following them, checking their messages, phone records. One person I know actually put his fingers into his girl vagina to check for semen. Now if you have to go to that extent, it's time for you to wrap up that relationship. Doing anything stalker "ish" in a relationship is doomed. If ya'll wasn't together it would be a crime so it shows you are losing it. And if you are losing yourself in a relationship that means it's a bad situation. Get out now.
Trust is the most important aspect in any relationship, so if that's out the window, theres no saving what you have. Yes, trust can be earned back but it's a damn brutal process and means alot of work. Stalker "ish" people, I know you've been pushed to your limit by your mate, but you need to let go. Time is not worth trying to change someone, it's about living. What needs to be realized is they have to change for themselves and not for you. We need to stop thinking we can save someone from their own flaws. We can't, we don't have that type of power, only God can save people. Our love only can guide people to different decisions but not change an outcome.
So if you are not willing to accept a person malfunctions. Then you have to move on and fix yourself to see why you allow yourself to be treated badly. Or why you became stalker "ish" to a person that made it clear as day that they couldn't change. Stop playing superhero and self approve your inner self and then find someone that won't need changing and that will make you a better individual.
Until next time:)
Why Girls feel neglected when guys play their video games
A girl gets annoyed watching her boyfriend/mate play video games hours on hours at a time. Mainly because you are not paying her any attention. It's that simple, your focus is in winning. While she's staring at the tv and looking at you scream into your ps3 mic. Yes, she can deal with it and may not even complain about it. But trust me she's feeling a type of way about it.
Females like to be the center of attention to her partner. We can deal with not being your main focus only to important stuff. Like Family, Work, Career, maybe Best Friend but video games is not important to us. If we say we want to spend time with you that don't mean a threesome with PS3 or Xbox.
We want to be kissed, hugged, talked to and have your full eye attention. It shows us you care and im not talking about hit us or being overly playful. Just being tender and gentle with us is a girl pleaser. It may sound boring to some, that's because you not on that level yet lol. But if ya'll are arguing about you playing your game too much, it's time to give your game less attention.
I think a warm soft body is better than a cold hard controller. I understand it's a stress reliever for guys but atleast give her an hour of you and her before playing the game. Or talk to her on the phone for a while before clicking the On button. She will appreciate the one on one time you give her and will be more accepting with you playing Black Ops until your eyes are blood shot red.
P.S... Oh and this goes for girls that play video games too. We get tired of losing to you all the time and even if we are NICE, we still want ALONE time that don't involve sex.
Until next time:)
Females like to be the center of attention to her partner. We can deal with not being your main focus only to important stuff. Like Family, Work, Career, maybe Best Friend but video games is not important to us. If we say we want to spend time with you that don't mean a threesome with PS3 or Xbox.
We want to be kissed, hugged, talked to and have your full eye attention. It shows us you care and im not talking about hit us or being overly playful. Just being tender and gentle with us is a girl pleaser. It may sound boring to some, that's because you not on that level yet lol. But if ya'll are arguing about you playing your game too much, it's time to give your game less attention.
I think a warm soft body is better than a cold hard controller. I understand it's a stress reliever for guys but atleast give her an hour of you and her before playing the game. Or talk to her on the phone for a while before clicking the On button. She will appreciate the one on one time you give her and will be more accepting with you playing Black Ops until your eyes are blood shot red.
P.S... Oh and this goes for girls that play video games too. We get tired of losing to you all the time and even if we are NICE, we still want ALONE time that don't involve sex.
Until next time:)
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