I'm here with the pieces of my heart dancing around in my chest.
I could feel the flood behind my eyes patiently waiting to flow.
The thoughts in my head are going a thousand miles an hour.
Not to mention the numbness is starting to consume my body.
The aching in my chest has begun.
The depression is creeping up on me.
I have so many unanswered questions. So broken hearted.
I crave only sleep so I don't think of you.
Memories are on constant repeat in my mind.
The yearning for your lips and hands, makes me hate you even more.
Mentioning hate... Yea I hate you and every word you said to me.
You left me with no explanation. Why would you leave me?
This is the second time you hurt my heart... This time even more so.
I trusted you with everything. I open my heart to you again.
Thanks for disappointing me. Thanks for letting me down.
I hope you are happy now... I hope you got what you wanted.
Goodbye is what you said.
Now I have nothing to look forward to but missing & hating you every second.
You told me everybody always leave you & I promised I wouldn't... Isn't it ironic.
I guess my new dwelling will be the hell I did not want to know.
So broken hearted is how you left me and how I shall remain.